Round-Robin Drawing is a fun and creative activity that involves multiple participants taking turns adding to a drawing or illustration. It’s a collaborative and often unpredictable way to create unique artworks. Here’s how to organize and enjoy a Round-Robin Drawing session:
Materials Needed:
- Sheets of paper (one for each participant)
- Drawing or coloring supplies (e.g., pencils, markers, crayons)
- Timer or stopwatch (optional)
- Creativity and enthusiasm!
Gather Participants:
Round-Robin Drawing is perfect for groups of friends, family members, classmates, or even colleagues looking for a creative break. The more, the merrier, but even a small group can enjoy this activity.
Set Up:
Each participant begins with a blank sheet of paper. The size of the paper can vary depending on preferences, but standard-sized sheets or larger ones provide ample space for creativity.
Choose a Starting Point:
To kick things off, you can decide on a starting point or theme for the drawing. This could be a basic shape, an object, or a concept. For instance, a circle, a tree, or “an underwater adventure.” Write or draw this starting point in the center of your paper.
Timing (Optional):
To keep the activity dynamic, consider setting a time limit for each turn. For instance, give participants 3-5 minutes to work on their part of the drawing before passing it on. Using a timer adds an element of excitement and urgency.
Rotate Papers:
After the allotted time (or when everyone agrees it’s time to switch), pass your paper to the person on your left or right, making sure to receive a different paper from someone else in return.
Continuing the Artwork:
Examine the drawing you’ve received and build upon it based on the starting point and what the previous participant has added. You have the creative freedom to expand upon their work, add intricate details, or introduce entirely new elements to the drawing.
Repeat and Rotate:
Keep the cycle going, passing the papers in a circle, until everyone has contributed to each drawing at least once. What makes this activity fascinating is the unpredictable and evolving nature of the artwork as it passes through different hands and imaginations.
Review and Share:
When the Round-Robin Drawing session concludes (or when everyone agrees it’s time to finish), gather all the drawings and hold a group discussion. Share what you appreciate about each drawing and discuss the creative choices made by different participants.
Optional: Completion and Coloring:
If the group desires, you can opt to complete and color the drawings together as a collective or individually. This additional step can add a finishing touch to the collaborative artwork.
Display or Keep:
You have the choice of displaying the Round-Robin Drawings as a collective art project, or you can allow each participant to keep their drawing as a cherished keepsake.
Round-Robin Drawing is a delightful way to encourage collaboration, creativity, and a sense of surprise as each participant contributes their artistic vision to the evolving artwork. It’s an activity that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike, making it perfect for family gatherings, school art classes, or art-themed parties.